Saturday, October 13, 2012

You were my Halley's comet

There are some people who blaze into your life. And in a blink of an eye they're gone. They change your whole life around with their presence. Even if it's just for those moments where you bonded over a sappy rom-com or just decided Rihanna is pop star material of the century. You would already have been picturing yourself knee deep in diapers and trips to your parents with them by your side.

Even if it were just for a minute. That connection was real. It was present and you both acknowledged it with smiles and small talk. At the back of your head you just knew they can make you happy. But you press that panic button and decide it's not good to go out on a limb if they're not making the first move. Dating these days have their own set of complications and rules made up on-the-go. No fun in assuming that the person sitting opposite you is really and truly into you for all the right reasons. It's NEVER that easy, let me tell you.

But for some, apparent unplanned reason. They disappear into thin air never to be seen or heard from ever again. There's a lot that can be said in this case. Either they're running scared because of a connection that seemed to too good to be true OR it was something only you felt. The important thing to remember here is not to beat yourself up over it. They came into your life for a reason. A good one. They made your world brighter and lighter.

These things have a way of working themselves out no matter how bizarre the situation that may present itself to you. Sometimes I feel I am in love with the idea of love itself. The concept of Love isn't foreign to me having been in a few relationships where all of them claimed to have 'loved' me. I won't place the blame completely on them. I did a fair share of handing out my "Love-you-too" pins to the wrong 'Mr.Rights'. Been there, done that as they say.

When love strikes, and I know for sure it will because we all deserve to be loved and cherished for the rest of our lives. I want someone to feel and talk about me like John Cusack in Must Love Dogs here( Take a look at what I've been getting high on)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

20 reasons Why It's normal to live with your Parents in your 20s

Take a deep breath we're making a list of reasons why it's absolutely fine to still be living with your parents if you're in you're late 20s. I know different people and different cultures will have you smirking at me. But being Indian still does not completely explain that my culture understands if girls stayed with their parents. We're encouraged to finish our higher studies (hopefully we get a chance to study in a separate country from our parents) and then try and make it on our own. If not, there's always that security blanket - we can go home to them.

Here are the simple and inexplicable facts we can't ignore. This is why it ROCKS

  1. Home-cooked meals. You're not splurging on coffee and food in expensive bistros and Cafés anymore.
  2. Fresh Laundry. Folded and Neatly piled (this is the life)
  3. No silent apartment to come to after work. 
  4. NOISY weekends, full of family plans you can't wait to escape from and home-cooked meals that last for weeks.
  5. No privacy! Not in the bathroom, bedroom or even the Kitchen. Your family wants to know where you're at and what you're doing at ALL times.
  6. Someone to answer phone calls and take messages for you ( Especially if you're one of them who is plagued by Tele-marketers).
  7. Church - If you're not up for a little têtê-a-têtê with God, the silent glares and noise everyone else makes while getting ready on a sunday will make you wake up and move faster to get there.
  8. Vacum Cleaners become you're worst enemy - Not too lucky if you're sleeping while it starts.
  9. Family to always fall back on when plans with friends don't work out.
  10. Save on Gas Money - You get free rides to and from work or to go someplace nice.
  11. Midnight Snacks - Your parents ALWAYS keep the best leftovers in the fridge.
  12. A home to call your own.
  13. Security and Support when you've had the worst day at work( we have too many of those to count, but it's great when someone's there to listen).
  14. People who will encourage your wild ambitions and silly taste in music.
  15. Your Self-Portrait photos can be met with multiple opinions.
  16. Unconditional LOVE.
  17. They'll drive you crazy but will stick with you through heartache, depression and those blues that sometimes don't fade away too easily
  18. No Self-Pity trips. If you have brothers (like I do) throw that towel out the window. They won't ever let you feel sorry for yourself.
  19. Memories to cherish - You build a whole lot of them that will live with you forever.
  20. Watching TV together can become a recreational family time entertainment
So, Cheers to NO new-found freedom and hopefully you survive all the trauma (once again?!!!).

Art and Love

I'm ecstatic. I'm in the right place that fills that empty space inside my heart full of happy zingy elements that makes me gasp and laugh ( I've been told for no apparent reason).

So this is what Love would be like. I'm in that place which caught me unawares. No, I didn't plan a vacation or a holiday that took me someplace exotic. I won't complain if someone wants to give me a holiday or take me on one. This place where I am now, It took a while coming and it finally arrived like a neatly wrapped package. I worked a long time to see this day coming. The day I finally called mine. I am exactly where I want to be. That's happy. Its a happy day. A brilliant one where I'm content to be me. I love me.

I have always loved Art. But only recently I realized how much I love it. I've been so lucky to be placed in a time and place that uses my creativity. I'm not there completely but I will be someday. Do you know that light bulb that switches on and you just know that you were made for something bigger.

I've heard that sentence about a million times but I like to give it a twist " The universe conspires to give you exactly what you want." This morning I played ball, the throw-catch-throw kind. I realized not only do I have two left feet but my hands don't seem to have reflexes that match my brains command to "Catch". May be I should get some of the dog training they throw out in the park - for free, and fetch some flying Frisbee.

I don't live in my past anymore. All those things that weighed me down yesterday. I threw it out the window, and I've moved on to better and bigger things.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Case of the Missing Blogger

I haven't just up and died on you. Don't be shy, I'm talking to you all my stalkers, invisible fans and more people who came across this page by accident.

What have I been doing with all my time?

Apart from finally settling on a job that I like and learning to cook finally. I haven't made any spectacular decisions or made some life-altering changes. The best part is I feel closer and more in line with my train of thought than ever before. That's more because I had a lot of time to introspect and drop my guard around people. And while I listen to 'Hungry Eyes' I chew my pen thoughtfully as to what else can justify my disappearing act. I've come to realize I depend on no one but me to make me happy these days. There's just too much of happy zingy elements that emit out of me. How do I know? I feel the 'happy' vibes in me and they escape me in silly giggles for no apparent reason. I must look so foolish and love-sick to people that think it must be because I'm in love.

They won't be wrong there. I'm in love with Me. The true me who can't hold anything back and always seems to go the extra mile even if it's just to make someone smile. I feed on my strength and there's nothing that makes me more happy when I know I'm the reason someone feels good or comforted in some way. I know this might all come across as terribly boring but I've long ago decided that I don't move with the crowd. I stand out. Always have. Always will.

That can also be because I am insufferably sarcastic. I don't have a cap to that. It flows out of me like a river but I also make sure the recipient is someone truly deserving of my barbed hit. Oh how i've missed writing. I feel like it's been a physical pain inside me. Like a toothache that never goes away until you get it treated. Writing is my solace. My freedom. It's me and words, when they become one. It's just me performing a ballet with Mr.Word here and there until we finally settle on the perfect road map to take us through life.

I never knew Music could also be my solace at one point in time. But it is. Music that soothes me, mostly instrumental. I'm tired of listening to the kind that doesn't make sense. Take a wild guess on what kind I'm talking about.

Que Sera, Sera!

We've all been dealt with cards that might not be too appealing. The secret to getting through anything tough is to accept that it's over and you're going to move forward positively and with a stronger chip on your shoulder.

Love and Light to everyone out there. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

12 days into the New Year

My first post in the New Year.

First, let's take a bow and feel happy we are alive. SURPRISE ! The world didn't end in 2012!

I've been away making good of my time in the new year. I decided not to make a new year resolution, because I'm very good at breaking mine. So I've tricked myself into doing something that I didn't do last year. I decided keeping fit should take top priority. It isn't too bad. I've done well so far on that record.

After a few months sabbatical with no-job, no money and gloom. I shook myself awake and decided to get my act together. I reached out, got the help I needed and landed myself an interesting job. I've definitely got this now, 2012. The things that I carry into the new year from the last would be :

1) Honesty and Integrity

2) Beliefs and Opinions.

3) Sense of Humor plus a healthy dose of sarcasm when life squeezes me in a corner.

4)Ability to laugh at myself and get through difficult situations.

5) Independence and the inane wish to learn and grow, to soak up the best of everything.

6) Writing and Reading

7) Giving myself treats

Some things don't change. I learn things about myself everyday. I learn more about when I interact with people. Music is an important part of me, more in lyrics than in tune. But there are days of silence when even music doesn't heal. Although, it goes a long way in making me feel better.

It's day 13 today what have I learnt ?

I learn to show no weakness to people in authority. Also, it's fine to make mistakes but repeating them is an expensive commodity. Talking to people you don't like teaches you hard lessons. Making friends at parties goes a long way while networking yourself in a strange and foreign country. Investing in people and taking time to listen more and talk less helps only you.

Always picture yourself living alone, even if you're not and see if you can manage to live reasonably well. Sometimes that's a rude awakening. Everyone deals with set backs in different ways. I resort to anxiety and silence which isn't a good thing. But, I'm also strong enough to know that I bounce back on a positive note the next day. I'm still learning that every downhill run can be conquered by keeping your head high and steeling your heart against hatred and despair.

So, Cheers to 2012. May the beginning be a start to new ventures, learning, happy times and a lifetime of great memories. This time let's strive to get it right. And if we don't, don't beat yourself up.